Our classes are all for all levels and abilities so you are welcome to come along to any class. Here is a little information on each class so you know what to expect.

Hot Flow (Vinyasa)

Our hot flow classes are vinyasa yoga which is breath synchronised movement and connection of pose to pose in a fluid,  flowing continuous sequence in 38 degrees.

The teacher will be there to guide you through the flow linking your breath to movement, demonstrating the poses and providing modifications for those beginning their yoga journey. The continuous sequence of movement will get your heart rate going and will work with your strength, flexibility, and balance. Each class will be different, you will work move through different poses, variations, balances each class ending with relaxation which is where the magic of yoga really happens. Vinyasa boasts more variety than other practices. There are baseline moves you’ll encounter in most classes with some repetition of postures. If you are someone quickly board of yoga in routine, this is for you vinyasa mixes it up and keeps you moving.

Hot Ashtanga

Ashtanga yoga is a set yoga sequence that you will follow each week. The sequence begins with sun salutations, followed by a series of standing poses on each side and finishes with a series of inversions and seated poses. The poses are linked by a vinyasa sequence.

Ashtanga yoga is perfect for those who love a challenge and enjoy structure. This practice has a strong sense of focus and growth – there is no part of the body that doesn’t work hard in this class the heat adds an extra challenge. Each week the teacher will guide you through the series, you will not need to know this although it will start to become familiar and you will feel a natural progression as you continue to practice Ashtanga. Modifications and variations for all levels will be demonstrated and the teacher will offer adjustments to assist and develop your practice.

Hot Rocket

Rocket is a dynamic and fast-paced flow of yoga. Based on a playful approach to poses from the Ashtanga series, sequenced dynamically and that encourage the practitioner to have a go at them in a light-hearted way. The Rocket is a fast paced Vinyasa practice that covers dozens of poses in a session, starting with a warm up, standing poses, seated poses and ending with the traditional closing series. The teacher will guide you through the series each week providing variations and modifications for all levels.

The Rocket was devised in the 1980s by a Californian yogi named Larry Schultz who studied with Ashtanga Guru Pathabhi Jois. On returning to San Francisco, Schultz rearranged the Ashtanga sequences into his own series making them more accessible. He was the tour yoga instructor for legendary American Folk-Rock band The Grateful Dead and it was guitarist Bob Weir who nicknamed Shultz’s series “The Rocket” as he felt it “gets you there faster” – wherever ‘there’ is!